by Kay Miller Smith | Jul 13, 2022 | Diet, Health
“I need to rest” “Please love me” “I’m trying as hard as I can” The sad truth is most of us have a “Love/Hate” relationship with our body. We keep working when we should rest. We’re not as active as we should be. We go on extreme diets off and on that leave us...
by Kay Miller Smith | Jul 6, 2021 | Diet, Health
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.” “All things come to me with ease, joy and glory.” “I’m creating great health! I used to be under the illusion that saying a few affirmations, eating right, taking my supplements and exercising were my guarantee...
by Kay Miller Smith | Nov 2, 2020 | Diet, Health
This is the third article in the series of my 4 best anti-aging practices. I’ve reached a point in my life where most people retire. But I love what I do! I still love teaching pilates and helping people clear negative energies in their homes and in their lives. ...
by Kay Miller Smith | Oct 19, 2020 | Diet, Health
Want an easy way to lower your stress, improve digestion, balance your hormones, reduce muscle pain, slow down the aging process? This article is about how to calm the Vagus Nerve. The Vagus nerve is the 10th longest cranial nerve in the body and it’s the main...
by Kay Miller Smith | Sep 17, 2020 | Diet, Health
Discover the secret nature of your home. There’s more going on behind the scenes than you realize… Subtle energies of the earth are not something most people are aware of. Yet these energies have a definite impact on your life, health and behavior. After moving...
by Kay Miller Smith | Sep 15, 2020 | Diet, Health
There are so many diets out there. Paleo, Keto, Caveman, High Carb, Low Fat, High Fat, Low Carb. But maybe the emphasis has been on the wrong thing. My vitamin D levels were checked recently. And I was surprised my levels were barely in the normal range since I take...